Sprint slow data problems, network fix rolling out

If you are on the Sprint network and purchases the iPhone 4S you’ll probably know all about the many complaints over slow data speeds on Apple’s latest iOS smartphone while others have also been complaining about pretty bad 3G download speeds of under 1mbps on the Sprint network.

According to an article over on iDownload Blog, by way of Cnet, earlier Sprint did state they were aware of the problem and were seriously looking into the matter, and finally Sprint has begun rolling out a network enhancement fix for the slow data problems.

Apparently over the last couple of weeks old Sprint has been bolstering their network and pushing out enhancement to improve the iPhone performance of their network, and Sprint says that the initial customer response seems to be quite positive whilst some are still dissatisfied.

There are some Sprint customers still complaining that they continue to experience inconsistent and at times “dramatically slow” service with musician Gabriel Mayhugh of Chicago saying that he lives in downtown Chicago and every since he purchased the iPhone 4S has experienced this issue constantly.

According to Mayhugh his iPhone 4S doesn’t receive much more than 500kbps whilst during the evening time speeds can drop as low as 200kbps.

Currently the iPhone 4S speed problems continue to dog the Sprint Customer Service board with the board gaining some 1700 responses and in excess of 376,000 views.

So we’d like to hear from any of our readers that use the iPhone 4S on Sprint on this matter, is your iPhone 4S data speed still dismally slow or has it improved since Sprint has made these adjustments to their network?


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