iPhone 3G Cases


No one wants a scratched up cell phone, especially not their iPhone. That’s why people get iPhone 3G cases to protect from wear and tear. iPhone 3G cases keep the iPhone breaking or being cracked if accidentally dropped or thrown around. What was once a luxury is now an everyday accessory for millions of people across the globe. As much as people use their iPhone it’s bound to get tossed around or dropped from time to time.

The HTC Touch Pro was launched without the heavily loaded QWERTY keyboard


The HTC Touch Pro was launched without the heavily loaded QWERTY keyboard. This had made the device a lot sleeker and trim, the weight has also been reduced due to this fact. Its main attraction is the touch screen interface and the user can glide through the menus and lists with ease. You can also easily scroll through the messages and the web pages as you can readily flip up and down through it. The phone provides you with an Android web browser, which has been built through the Webkit. Using the HTC Touch Pro you can comfortable slide through the pages and also ‘flick’ up and down. Navigation has been made a lot easier in comparison to its earlier avatar.
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