Losing Verizon Galaxy Nexus interest, you want it still?

Ah the continuing story of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus for Verizon; will the Android Ice Cream Sandwich smartphone ever come out to play on the Big Red network, or is it simply destined to have that very elusive release date delayed time and time again, and if so will you eventually lose interest in picking up the handset and move onto another device?

I’m pretty sure most of the Android faithful over in the good old US of A know the debacle the release of the Verizon Galaxy Nexus is turning into having already been rumoured to be released on several occasions only to still be being held back by Verizon.

We previously posted that the word is Verizon is delaying the Samsung Galaxy Nexus release due to their greediness and wanting Google Wallet removed from the device before they release and Google want it kept on, so that little argument could continue for quite some time and result in the Verizon Galaxy Nexus not seeing release for some time yet, possibly moving into next year.

The latest speculated release date for the Galaxy Nexus on Verizon is tomorrow the 15th, which according to an article by my colleague Mark could be spot on as Costco has listed the Android 4.0 handset for the same date, but then dates have a habit of changing as attested by a new Galaxy Nexus dedicated release date website I posted about yesterday.

The thing is, the longer the Big Red bandy about delaying the Samsung Galaxy Nexus the risk of potential customers opting to pass over the Nexus grows and with a new Android Ice Cream Sandwich handset from Asus on the horizon, namely the Asus Padfone a Tegra 3 packing handset, then maybe those that lose interest due to Verizon’s continued lack of getting the Galaxy Nexus into the public’s hands will opt for this smartphone instead.

Of course Verizon can always fall back on the old excuse that they have never given a firm release date for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus in the US, but that really doesn’t cut the mustard, and only goes further to disappoint customers, customers that don’t like having a device delayed time after time after time .

So if Verizon fails yet again to release the Samsung Galaxy Nexus tomorrow the 15th of December, will you lose interest in the ICS handset, or will you continue to hold on in there for as long as it takes for Verizon to get their act together?


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